Games List
Many have unique, surprise twists.
Here is a brief description of some of his most popular games!
Bunny Hop (age 2-4): Kids race to the finish line hopping like bunnies.
Monkey Races (age 5 - 7): Kids Race to the finish line jumping like monkeys.
Crab Crawl (age 8 & up): Kids race backwards crab style.
Turtle Races (all ages): Kids race to the finish line as turtles.
Water Balloon Volleyball (all ages): Teams launch a water balloon to their opponent using only a parachute. They score if their opponent fails to catch the balloon!
Musical Hula-Hoops (all ages): Kids run around hula-hoops on the ground. When the music stops, they must find a hoop. Hoops are removed as the game progresses.
Sack-Races (all ages): Contestants race to see who can hop the fastest while in a gunny-sack.
Shoe Scramble: Kids race to find their shoes and put them on first.
Limbo (all ages): Contestants attempt to go under the Limbo Stick without touching it!
Walla-Balla (adults): Contestants attempt to swing the Walla-Balla Ball into the Walla-Balla Buckets to score points!
3-Legged Sack Races (all ages): teams of 2 race while connected by a gunny-sack.
Hula-Hoop Contest (all ages): Contestants attempt to hula-hoop the longest.
Water Bags (all ages): Contestants attempt to throw bags filled with water the furthest.
Mother / Child Hug Race: Mother / Child teams race while hugging each other.
Father / Child Pony Express Race: Father / child teams race horseback style.
Shoe Kicking Contest: Contestants attempt to kick their shoes the furthest.
Island Hopping (all ages): Contestants toss hula hoops on the ground and hop in them as they make their way across the race field relay style.
Thread-the-Needle (adults): Teams race to thread a spoon and string through their clothing.
Water Balloon Toss: Teams of two toss a water balloon without breaking it.
Bucket Brigade: teams race to fill a bucket using a small pale.
Tug-O-War: Teams attempt to out-pull their opponent with a rope.
Hula-Hoop pass: Teams join hands in a circle. They then race to pass a hula-hoop around the circle while keeping their hands clasped.
Pass-The-Hat: Contestants pass hats around a circle to music. When the
music stops, they must be wearing a hat or they are out.
Tower Building: Teams race to build the tallest free-standing tower using pvc pipe.
Trivia Scrabble (adults): Teams answer trivia questions by racing to spell out their answers with scrabble style letters
Ecology Clean-up Race (kids): Contestants race to see who can clean up the most trash.
NOTE: Actual games played will depend on the unique aspects of your event.